Terms & Conditions:

Get Living uses powerful healing art including but not limited to breathwork, somatic and limbic processing, meditation, physical exercises, nutrition, crystals, essential oils, oracle cards, Aura and Chakra Readings, live blood analysis, nutritional supplementation, and/or intuitive counseling. Therefore it is to be expected that various situations can arise from studying and practicing these healing arts. Physical, emotional, and/or spiritual problems may be alleviated. Deep mystical experiences can occur, as well as life-changing realizations. But sometimes, suppressed emotions or physical tensions may receive enough healing energy to be pushed to the surface, so they can be released or resolved, and this process may create various emotional or physical symptoms. Deep healing is a process that is intended to create changes in one's life, and those changes can manifest physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is all part of the healing process.


I agree that I have read and understood the above paragraph and agree that Get Living and Jana McKinney are not responsible for any individual symptoms that may arise as a result of receiving Healing or Coaching. I agree to take personal responsibility for whatever physical or emotional symptoms that may arise as part of the healing process with Get Living, as well as to take responsibility for seeking medical treatment when I perceive it is necessary. 

 I understand that Get Living and Jana McKinney is neither a medical professional nor a psychotherapist and that she is practicing neither medicine nor psychotherapy. Although Get Living/ Jana McKinney may comment on the nature of body energetics and consciousness in relation to disease and mental health, it is understood that these comments are not intended as advice for any course of action for any medical or mental health issues that I may have. I understand and agree that working with Get Living/Jana McKinney does not take the place of medical treatment or evaluations.  

I understand that any payments for sessions are not for any specific results but for the time Get Living/Jana McKinney takes with me. I agree that I am liable for payment of any scheduled appointment unless I give notice of cancellation at least 24 hours beforehand.  

I agree to hold Get Living and Jana McKinney harmless for claims or damages in connection with our work together. This is a contract between myself and Get Living and Jana McKinney, and I understand that it is also a release of potential liability. I understand that Get Living has a 24-hour cancellation policy, and I am aware that I will be charged a follow-up fee ($60.00) for a missed appointment if proper notice is not given (by phone or email). This same integrity is in effect for Get Living. Should she ever have to cancel within 24 hours of the appointment, your next follow-up appointment is free.